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January 9




5:35 P.M.




The Hiawatha City Commission met in regular session January 9, 2006 at 5:35 p.m. at City Hall with Mayor Trant, Commissioner Collins, Commissioner Schmitt, Commissioner Gamble, and Commissioner Shamburg in attendance.

1.      Pledge of Allegiance/ Call to Order 

2.      Approval of minutes of the January 3, 2006 city commission meeting.

Commissioner Gamble stated that under Personnel Policies on page four, under fire chief, the police chief should be the same as the fire chief.  Municipal code needs to be changed on fire chief also.  Under Fire chief, municipal code section 2.28.030, under the direction of the mayor should be deleted.   Under Police chief, municipal code section 2.32.020, subject to the orders of the mayor and commissioner of police should be deleted.

Mayor Trant stated that if we’re going to make personnel policies match the municipal code than we need to be careful as to how we revise things.   The current municipal code will remain in effect until we do an amending ordinance or continue with the review process.

Commissioner Gamble stated that the municipal code needs to be changed to reflect the ordinance.  There are three different problem areas surrounding these issues: the personnel policies and guidelines, the municipal code, and the 1977 ordinance. None of these areas were matching up with each other. 

Mayor Trant stated that we are seeking approval for the minutes as recorded.  If we need to revisit other things we can do that later.

Commissioner Gamble stated that on page three in paragraph two, it should read the Municipal Code in 1977 not 1979.  On page four in the second to last paragraph, it should also be 1977 not 1979.  Commissioner Gamble stated that he referenced the police chief last week and it should be the same as the fire chief.  It will read the Police Chief reports to the City Administrator

Commissioner Schmitt stated that on page four, paragraph two, it should read voted on in 2005 not 2004.

Commissioner Schmitt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gamble, to approve the minutes as corrected of the January 3, 2006 city commission meeting.  Motion carried, 3 ayes, 2 nays.  Mayor Trant and Commissioner Collins voted nay.

3.      Presentation of petitions, public comments, memorials – recognize the attendance of Boy Scout Troop 118 of Robinson, Kansas, Scoutmaster Greg Buser.  The Boy Scouts are working on their Citizenship in the Community merit badge. & communications badge

Mayor Trant recognized the attendance of Boy Scout Troop 118 of Robinson, Kansas.  Mayor Trant asked them to stand up and introduce themselves.

4.      Old Business

New Business

5.      Consider approval of pay request #4 to AHRS Construction for construction of the Schuneman Addition to the Fisher Center.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the building is progressing according to schedule.  The concrete block work was completed during the pay period, the roof is up on all sides, the north and south doors are installed, and the overhead door is installed.  Work is now being done on the inside.

Commissioner Schmitt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Shamburg, to approve pay request #4 to AHRS Construction, Inc. for work on the Schuneman Addition in the amount of $48,317.94. Motion carried, 5 ayes.

6.      Consider pay request #4 final from Sargent Drilling and change order one for the Pfister Well project.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that this pay request of $31,026.30 incorporates the final pay, retainage, and a change order.  Change order 1 reflects adjustments for final quantities.  The actual footage of existing pipe is 855 feet, 50 feet less than what was originally scaled, requiring an additional 50 feet of pipe @ $8.50/ft for a total of $425.00. 

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the substantial completion date was set for August 4, 2005.  The actual substantial completion was September 8, 2005, 35 days late.  The contract with Sargent Drilling called for liquidation damages of $500 per day if the contractor did not meet the substantial completion date.  The actual cost to the city of $1,280.20 was deducted from the contractor’s final payment rather than imposing a punitive damage of $1,750.  The engineer stated that the additional cost for the extra month was $1,280.20.

Commissioner Schmitt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gamble, to approve change order one in the amount of $855 and pay request #4, final, to Sargent Drilling in the amount of $31,026.30, which includes a deduction of $1280 for cost overrun, and authorize the mayor to sign the required documents.

Dean Tollefson asked whether change order 1 was a positive $855 or negative $855.

Commissioner Schmitt stated that change order 1 is in the amount of $425.00 and amended her motion to reflect that change.  Commissioner Gamble seconded the amended motion.  Motion carried, 5 ayes.

7.      Review capital improvement projects under design and engineering fees.

Mayor Trant stated that we have several projects just kind of getting started and we are accumulating engineering fees for those projects which include Main street/Downtown streetscape improvements, Post Lantern street light project, and the Oregon street water line replacement.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that this was put on the agenda because these three projects are still moving along.  In the past we have approved the overall fee structure for the engineer but have not brought the individual invoices back for approval.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the November fees for the Main Street/Downtown Streetscape Improvements amounted to $10,253.35.  The November fees for the Post Lantern Street Light Project amounted to $5,770.00 and the November fees for the Oregon Street water line replacement amounted to $988.00.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the surveyors are underway on the Post Lantern Street Light Project.  We should receive notification from the state on the Main Street Project by the end of February or early March.  We will continue to submit these invoices in an appropriation if it is okay with the commission.

Mayor Trant stated that as long as they are presented in an appropriation ordinance he does not see any problem in continuing this practice.

8.      Consider approval of an application for a right of way permit from the Kansas Department of Transportation for routine maintenance of water and sewer lines for calendar year 2006.

Mayor Trant stated that KDOT requires a permit for work on the right of way on 73 Highway.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that this is a routine issue and we have acquired this permit in the past.  This permit expedites things if we have a water line break.  KDOT gives approval to make these repairs throughout the calendar year.

Commissioner Collins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Shamburg, to approve the application for a right of way permit from the Kansas Department of Transportation covering calendar year 2006 for routine maintenance of water or sewer lines and authorize the mayor to sign the required documents.


a.       Appropriation Ordinance #1076 in the amount of $517,278.19

b.      Payroll appropriation #1049 in the amount of $32,266.57

Mayor Trant gave a breakdown of expenses.

Mayor Trant raised a question on the payroll appropriation dealing with the $19,861.33 which is paid to payroll related entities.  He asked if these funds are a combination of the employee’s contributions and the city’s contribution.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that we have been trying to come up with a report that reflects the city’s expenditures for the total payroll.  This report gives some duplication because it includes the employee’s portion and the city’s portion.  However it does reflect the total dollar amounts that go to the state and blue cross/blue shield for medical.  City Administrator Slaugh stated that we will continue to work with the software people to get a report that shows a net amount.

Commissioner Schmitt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Shamburg, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Motion carried, 5 ayes.

10.  City Administrator Slaugh

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the Strategic planning session will be on Jan. 14 at city hall.  The next City Commission meeting will be on Tuesday January 17.  The Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals will meet on January 19 to review basic guidance.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the City Hall day at the Capitol is planned for Thursday, the 26th of January.   City Administrator Slaugh asked the commission to let the staff know if they would like to attend and the staff will make reservations.  The cost is $25 which includes lunch.  There will be presentations by legislative leaders.  The deadline for response is Tuesday Jan. 24.

11.  Mayor Leon Trant

Mayor Trant stated that there will be a municipal code work session tomorrow evening at 5:35.

Mayor Trant stated that he had a few more topics for the strategic planning session.  The 2001 Water improvement project and the main street water line replacement need to be discussed.

City Administrator Slaugh added that an additional well north of town should be considered.

Mayor Trant stated that it would be advantageous to have a discussion about economic development financing as it currently stands and anticipated future requirements.

City Administrator Slaugh added that this will probably include bond payments for crosswinds and property tax and specials for Longfellow properties.

Mayor Trant stated that the age of some of the maintenance equipment in the city should be looked at.  It is time we look forward to what and how that maintenance equipment could be kept up to date and working for us.  Other topics for discussion are annexation issues and requirements, and an emergency preparedness plan for the city as a whole.

12.  Com. William Collins

13.  Com. Curtis Gamble

City Administrator Slaugh stated that the railroad has been contacted and we should be getting the payments we requested for previous mowing.  Code Enforcement Officer Malcolm Grier has requested a meeting with the railroad to discuss the mowing of their property.

Commissioner Gamble stated that we should also talk to them about parking their trains in city limits.  The spur north of town would be a better place.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that he has not figured out which agency to call on that because the one we have been talking to deals with track maintenance.

Dean Tollefson stated that the trains used to park in Willis, but he got the sheriff and the state representative involved.  He stated that law enforcement can make the trains stop parking in city limits.

14.  Com. Marianne Schmitt

Commissioner Schmitt asked whether there would be presentations from HFED, Chamber of Commerce and the school district at the Strategic planning session.

City Administrator Slaugh stated that these groups need to be scheduled to make presentations at the commission meetings.  They have not been asked to attend the strategic planning session.

15.  Com. Steffen Shamburg

Commissioner Shamburg stated that he is looking forward to the planning session but he is on call that weekend.

Commissioner Shamburg made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gamble to adjourn at 6:28 p.m.  Motion carried, 5 ayes.