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December 27




5:35 P.M.



1.      Pledge of Allegiance/ Call to Order

The Hiawatha City Commission met in regular session at 5:35 p.m. on Wednesday, December 27, 2006, at City Hall with Mayor Gernon, Commissioner Gamble, and Commissioner Collins present. Commissioner Shamburg and Commissioner Schmitt were absent.

2.      Approval of minutes of the December 18, 2006 City Commission meeting.

Commissioner Collins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gamble, to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2006 City Commission meeting as presented. Motion carried. 3 ayes.

3.      Presentation of petitions, public comments, memorials.

Dean Tollefson said that Dennis Wenger said to convey to the Commission that the streetlights and sidewalks looked the best they had in years.

Old Business

4.      Authorize Remainder of Change Order #3 in the amount of $2,836.00 for the Shared Boring Cost for the Traffic Signal Lights.

City Administrator Ladner explained that Bottorff Construction had submitted to the City Change Order Number 3 for work associated with the installation of the traffic signals. All items were approved except Item #1 which covered the shared boring cost for the signal lights. After further discussion with Rick Koenig, Lights Superintendent, and the contractor, concerns about the cost of the shared boring have been eliminated. The original contract included costs for a single bore. The inclusion of the need for conduit for the traffic signals required the bore to be a six-inch rather than a three-inch bore.

Commissioner Gamble made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Collins, to approve Item #1 from Change Order Number 3 in the amount of $2,838.00 for shared boring related to traffic signal installation. Motion carried. 3 ayes.

New Business

5.      Appointment of Deb Ellis to the Hiawatha City Board of Zoning Appeals.

Administrator Ladner explained that the Board of Zoning Appeals has a vacancy for the term running from January 1, 2007, through December 31, 2009. Deb Ellis has been recommended by City staff for her experience in working with the community.

Commissioner Gamble made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Collins, to appoint Deb Ellis to the Hiawatha City Board of Zoning Appeals for a three-year term to expire on December 31, 2009. Motion carried. 3 ayes.

6.      Appointment of Andy Pederson to the Hiawatha City Planning Commission.

Administrator Ladner explained that the Planning Commission has a vacancy for a member that resides within the three-mile limit for a term running from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2009. Andy Pederson has been recommended by City Staff Planning Commission members for his knowledge and experience in working with the community.

Commissioner Collins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gamble, to appoint Andy Pederson to the Hiawatha City Planning Commission for a three-year term to expire on December 31, 2009. Motion carried. 3 ayes.


    1. Appropriation Ordinance #1109 in the amount of $8,610.33.
    2. Payroll appropriation #1073 in the amount of $37,204.73.
    3. Utility Billing Refunds in the amount of $238.50.
    4. Approve Contractor License Renewal (7), Electrician License Renewals (3), and Plumber License Renewals (4).
    5. Approve Pawn Broker/Precious Metal Dealer License.

Commissioner Gamble made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Collins, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried. 3 ayes.

8.      Lynne Ladner, City Administrator.

Administrator Ladner announced that all of the planters [in the Streetscape Project] have now been selected by donors. The first planter on the corner of 8th and Oregon Streets has been completed.

There is a Landlord Committee meeting Thursday, December 28, here at City Hall at 7:00 p.m.

On Wednesday, January 3, 2007, the Community Property Maintenance Committee will meet at City Hall at 5:30 p.m.

City Hall offices will be closed on Monday, January 1, 2007. There will not be a Commission meeting that week. We are currently working on doing all of the year-end closing entries, and inputting the 2007 Budget into the computer.

As of January 1, 2007, the State has passed a concealed weapons carry law and allows the City to post signage to prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons within the City Police Station, City Hall, Public Library, and Polling Places on Election Day. We are taking steps to post signage on a permanent basis at those places and have additional on hand for the Fisher Center.

The City Staff has asked when the Commission would like to have them take down the Holiday Decorations. Normally they are taken down right after the New Year, but since they are new, should they leave them up longer?

The Commission agreed to leave them up another week.

9.      Mayor Gernon.

Mayor Gernon asked about the RFQ’s.

Administrator Ladner explained that they are moving forward with those. She said that they were going to talk to the company that Rural Water has contracted with to see if they would fit the needs of the City. They have spoken with two engineering firms, but if we used the firm that Rural Water has contracted with, we would be able to apply for SRF funds and possibly a grant. We will try to set up a meeting with them via telephone next week.

Mayor Gernon also asked how the proposed sale of real estate was coming along. Administrator Ladner explained that the survey has been sent to the City Attorney to put together the public notice.

He also asked that Administrator Ladner make sure that Sergeant Tollefson, Chief Woehlecke and Code Enforcement Officer Grier are working on suggestions for revising the existing nuisance abatement ordinance.  She indicated that she had asked them to get something in writing to her by the end of the week.

10.  Com. William Collins.

11.  Com. Curtis Gamble.

Commissioner Gamble asked about the time frame on traffic light installation.

Administrator Ladner said she should know more after the meeting Thursday.

12.  Com. Marianne Schmitt.

  1. Com. Steffen Shamburg.
  2. Adjourn.

Commissioner Gamble made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Collins, to adjourn. Motion carried. 3 ayes. Meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m.